Sunday, April 15, 2007

What a GREAT weekend!!!

What a wonderful weekend we've had, especially ME!!!

Becca and Alyson went to Ford Field to the BattleCry with the PACT group from our church. I was very apprehensive about Becca going, as her friend that was going with her had to back out at the last minute. And as I watched them leave on that charter bus Friday night my heart sank at Becca's lonely and sad face in the window looking at me longingly to stay home.

We had a pretty large crop Friday night, eveyone had a great time, and seemed to accomplish alot. Adam went to his friend Caleb's house where he got to spend the night. Jim came out and visited with us ladies in the hideaway!

Saturday Jim got up and went to dialysis, and then later he was taking Adam to the Cage Fights at Perani Arena with our friends Rick, Corina and Adam's 'girlfriend', LaShia. They were so excited and so was I... Afterall, I was going to get a nice relaxing evening home alone, or maybe even the chance to go see my friend, Jan's, new house. I can already imagine the girltime, quietness and the freedom of the remote control:) Yippee!!! However.....

Jim had talked to Lonnie Friday night, and her and Wes needed a babysitter for Saturday night. They were going up north to help her mom move and wouldn't be back until Sunday afternoon. "Jan, you're not doing anything are you, you can watch her, can't you?" Jim asked. Honestly, my first instinct was "Noooooooooo!!! It's my night alone, and what about my back? There won't be anyone here to help me if she's fussin' " And then of course I said, "yes" because I love spending time with Moneice, and I don't get to do it near enough.

So, speed up to Saturday afternoon, here comes Lonnie and Moneice. and then Lonnie with an armload of stuff, and then Lonnie with another armload of stuff, and then again Lonnie with yet another armload of stuff. "Oh, my!!" I had forgotten how much it takes for a baby, and look at these fancy new toys. Balls that sing AND ROLL on their own??? Talking microphones that speak english AND spanish???? Whoa, am I old... Then Lonnie gives me the rundown of her daily routine, what she eats, drinks, when she sleeps, what to do before bed (don't forget to get out her bear, hold it under the light for 30 seconds just before lights out!). "Oh my gosh, I need to be writing all of this down, as I'll never remember" I thought. And then Lonnie left til tomorrow. "Well Moneice, it's just me and you!"

Much to her mother's dismay she never once let on about her mom leaving or to her not being around. We just clicked and started playing. A little while later Moneice and I rode over to Ricks with Jim and Adam. We picked up the Tahoe, and the boys left for the fight. We had just enough time to go visit with my friend Jan before she went to work, so off we went. Moneice stayed with me, and sat on my lap the whole time, never peeping a word, just taking it all in. Even Jan commented on how great of a baby she is, and that she looks like her "MOM"!!

We then decided it was time to eat dinner, so we stopped at Arby's to grab some chicken strips and fries to take home with us. Moneice is such a good little eater, even dinner time was fun as we sat and shared our dinner... "A fry for Moneice, a fry for Aunt Jan, a fry for Casey, and a fry for Nevaeh" Moneice has really warmed up to the dogs, as they have to her too, except when Moneice chases Casey down the hall in her walker...Boy is she fast!!! Casey and I have learned to 'get out of her way'!!!!

As bedtime drew near, I put Moneice in her pajamas, and gave her some tylenol for those nasty teeth coming in. I'm used to fighting and forcing the medicine down their throat, but not Moneice she took the dropper and drank it all up on her own! We played a little bit more, then about 9:30 pm she put her thumb in her mouth, looked up at me, waved her hands, and said, "night, night" Oh boy, here comes the fun, I'm waiting for struggles and whaling to begin, afterall, it's bedtime. We get out the Care Bear, put him under the light for 30 seconds, lay Moneice and her bear down for bed, turn out the light and....nothing... Not one peep did she make! As I kept checking on her I knew she must be playing or into something, nope...just fast asleep.

Then morning comes, I can hear her playing with her stuffed animals, I got up around 9:00 am and she looks up at me with the biggest grin. Unbelievable! Does this baby never fuss??? We got up, ate breakfast, cleaned up and got dressed, played for a couple of hours and then it's nap time. This has just been the best time ever. Moneice and I have had so much fun, giggling and laughing, and chasing the dog!

I always knew Lonnie would make a great mother, and now Moneice is an incredieble testimony of how good of a mother Lonnie really is. She is a wonderful loving baby, with wonderful loving parents.

Oh, and yes Becca had a good time. Her and Aly met some nice people, listened to great speakers, and even better bands! While Jim and Adam also had a really good time, I'm sure that I had the best time ever this weekend, as I was able to spend precious time with my precious niece!

1 comment:

LONNIE said...

Thank you for the compliment.I am so fortunate to have such a good baby.Moneice has only been away from us all nite, twice. She stayed at your house both times. We really appreciated you watching her. We don't trust her with just anyone. I am glad everyone had a good time this weekend and it worked out well for you all. Will talk to you soon, Lonnie

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